We all have them: items of clothing we never wear but keep in our closets for years. They take away storage space that could be used much better for new and loved items. Now clear out the cupboard and make room for those warm winter woolies.
Admittedly, organizing and tidying the closet is never the best way to spend a free weekend. However, it can be a very liberating task and has the advantage that your wardrobe will look neat and you'll have more space for new cool items of clothing. So, choose a day off with your wardrobe which according to the weathermen is not going to be sunniest. The gray winter days of December provide the perfect opportunity for your wardrobe date.
When reorganizing your wardrobe, throwing away old clothes that no longer fit is part of the activity. So, part with all those clothes you no longer wear. To ensure that you can find all your dusty, unwearable items in your wardrobe, do the following: Remove everything, I mean everything, from the closet and start sorting. Throw away damaged clothes. Everything else that is still in good condition, but you have not worn for some time, can be donated. Each year, more than 1900 tons of clothes are donated in the city of Zurich. The city advertises on its website about donating textiles. Another way to donate clothes is with Caritas or delivering it to the Salvation Army .
For clothes that can only be worn seasonally, it makes sense to temporarily store them away from your wardrobe. Once the cold of winter set in, you can, for example, stow away all the summer shoes, shorts and beach dresses and make room for warm sweaters and winter boots. If your home is a little tight on storage space, placeB will happily give your clothes a place to stay (❯ How to rent a storage room)! Unlike your basement, placeB storerooms are dry and warm. Moisture is the worst for storing clothes. For example, they start to become moldy in the damp basement and take on unpleasant odors. For this reason, placeB storerooms are certainly better than the domestic basement. Here you can find a seasonal home for your clothes and give your wardrobe a breather!
Make the most of the space in your drawers and cupboard while storing your clothes the smart way. There are plenty of storage tools to help you keep things organized. For example, you can buy practical inserts for drawers that make organizing belts, underwear, etc. easier.
By not keeping your winter coats in the closet, you can easily build yourself a stylish wardrobe. All you need is a wooden or aluminum pole, two screws or hooks for attaching to the ceiling and two straps. These can be made of leather, ropes or chains.
Hanger - Source: eBay UK
This tip may sound a little fanatical, but there are very practical reasons behind it: If your hangers are all the same shape and size, you will fit a few more clothes in your closet. And what's more, if you hang up all your all blazers, shirts, sweaters, etc. in the same direction, you can save yourself a few extra inches of space.
Something that is no really necessary, but really nice to have is lighting in the wardrobe. The light may help you find your outfit better in the morning and draw attention to your favorite items. Maybe the lighting will also encourage you to keep your outfits more organized.